Thank you for considering generous donations to the Global Bhutanese Hindu Organization.

Your donation today strengthens our mission to preserve and promote our Hindu religion, philosophy, culture, language and heritage without discrimination based on caste, sex, age, and sampradaya.
With your support, GBHO can advance programs and carry forward our goal to provide resources and services in every home in our community.
To lift the courage and expand the organization’s faithful presence, make a donation today by clicking on the DONATE button.

You can also donate by mail:

  1. Check: Pay to The Order of GBHO
  2. Mr. Toya Acharya
  3. 199 Monarch Dr.
  4. Pataskala, OH 43062

Or, Scan to Donate:

If you have witnessed and appreciated the work of GBHO and ongoing programs, we welcome your partnership and sponsorship of our programs as well. Contact GBHO for more information.
Please be assured that the donation made to GBHO using any method is very safe and confidential.

Purpose Of Donation

Suggested Donation Amount:


